Image IOOF Illinois Grand Lodge Scholarship Program


The IOOF Illinois Grand Lodge Scholarship Program, established in 1985, has awarded $687,000 in scholarships to deserving students across Illinois, averaging 20-30 scholarships annually. Administered by the Scholarship Committee, applicants must be high school or college students, and their applications require a Lodge endorsement. The program aims to support students pursuing higher education by providing financial assistance. The scholarships cover various academic pursuits and have contributed significantly to educational endeavors in the state.

Since 1985, the Scholarship Committee has awarded $687,000.00 in Scholarships to deserving students throughout the state of Illinois. Which is an average of $17,823.53 per year and 20-30 scholarships per year.



Applicant must use the current official Odd Fellow-Rebekah scholarship form which must be dated and signed by the Student, parent(s) or guardian(s) and lodge official(s) where applicable. All applications and statements are required to be signed. Typewritten applications are preferred or must be legibly handwritten. A recent photograph of the applicant, with signature on reverse side, must be firmly attached to the application.

Applications and all supporting documents must be in English.

Official high school transcript of the student’s records or if presently attending a school of higher education, the current transcript, must be submitted. Records may be photocopies that bear an original signature of the proper authority.

All applications must be properly bound on the left by a clear plastic report folder. Please do not staple.

The applicant shall prepare a statement RESTRICTED to 150 words or less, setting forth his/her vocational or professional goal. Relate how past, present and future activities make the accomplishment of this goal probable. This must be typed, properly signed and enclosed with all supporting materials. Application will be disqualified if essay is not included and properly signed.

A current dated and signed recommendation, RESTRICTED to 150 words or less, from the Principal or Counselor in authority and from one teacher at the school the applicant is currently attending is required. Each recommendation must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, signed over the seal and returned to the student for enclosure in the scholarship packet.

Include one letter of endorsement from a responsible community (NON- SCHOOL) person. This person should not be related to the applicant but can be a business person, minister or civic leader. The person should be capable of reporting the applicant’s participation in the community in terms of work service, leadership, notable skills and outstanding recognition. Do not refer to school accomplishments. This should be enclosed in a sealed envelope, signed over the seal and returned to the student for enclosure in the scholarship packet.

All parts of the application (application, principal’s/counselor’s statement, non-school endorsement, and official transcript) must be enclosed in one packet and must be returned to the Scholarship committee at the Grand Lodge office at 845 Wyatt Ave. P.O. Box 248, Lincoln, IL 62656-0248 (before the March 1st deadline). Please allow ample mail delivery time! It is the responsibility of the applicant to consolidate all materials in one packet.

Applicant must be a resident of Illinois and a citizen of the United States. If applicant is a naturalized citizen, proof of citizenship must accompany application.

Only those chosen to receive awards will be notified by the end of June. Anyone wishing a list of recipients must enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Attach a copy of your most recent Federal 1040 Form it is required. Illinois 1040 or W2’s are not acceptable. Required pages are only the page showing adjusted gross income and dependents. This information is for verification purposes only. Failure to do so will disqualify your application.

You do not have to be an Odd Fellow or Rebekah member to complete this application. Only Odd Fellow and Rebekah members must submit a Lodge Certification letter under the Seal of the Lodge. Failure to do so will lead to your application being disqualified.

The Application must be signed by parents and children. This application is strictly confidential no financial information will be shared from your application. We will however if your student is not chosen share the following information with lodges in your area that are giving scholarships from the local lodge. We will share student’s name and phone number, parent’s names, school information & phone number, number of dependents and number of dependents currently in college. This will give your student a great chance of receiving a scholarship from the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.

IOOF Illinois Scholarship Program Forms

History of the Illinois Scholarship Fund and Committee

Image IOOF

In October 1984, Brother Robert Wick Rockford Lodge #140 requested permission to present Resolution #6-1986; a Motion was made by Wilkens #190 and seconded by Griffith #17 that permission be granted. Motion carried. Wick #140 read Resolution #6-1984.

Resolution #6-1984

WHEREAS: the careful investing of Grand Lodge Funds has resulted in providing income, which should be used for the benefit of mankind and also reflect with favor upon the Order, and

WHEREAS: many deserving students are in need of assistance to complete their college education, and

WHEREAS: a properly conducted Scholarship Program could be very beneficial to the Youth of Illinois and to the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of this State:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the sum of One Hundred Thousand dollars ($100,000.00) presently held in the “Investment Income” account be transferred on the books of the Grand Lodge to an account to be known as “The Odd Fellow-Rebekah Scholarship Fund” and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that an Organizational Committee for the Illinois Odd Fellow-Rebekah Scholarship Fund be appointed to establish the guidelines for the fund, method of seeking additional funds, duties of the selection committee, qualifications and requirements for applicants and establishment of general rules and regulations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that if this program appears to be beneficial and meets the needs of the Order, then legislation be presented to establish the project as a permanent addition to the Order.


Signed: Executive Committee Member
Report #23
Resolution #6-1984

To the Grand Lodge of Illinois, I.O.O.F.

Your Committees on State of the Order, Legislative and Finance to whom was referred Resolution #6-1984 wish to report as follows:

The State of the Order Committee in conjunction with the Legislative and Finance Committees have decided favorably on Resolution #6-1984 and recommend the adoption of same.


Donald H. Dawson #2
State of the Order Committee

Lloyd Schell, P.G.M. #630
Legislative Committee

John Mrizek, P.G.M. #630
Finance Committee

Mrizek #630 made a motion, seconded by Sanders #32 to accept and adopt the resolution. Motion carried. Resolution #6-1984 Adopted.

George Rendek, Grand Master who was raised in the Odd Fellow’s Children’s Home, appointed the Organizational Committee consisting of: Matt Hills P.G.M., Roger Drackley P.G.P., Don Klockenga, Lloyd Jenkel, Darlene Wick, Bernice Wood, PP, IARA, Opal Albin (Miss Perfect).

The Next Year Grand Master Ray Clayton appointed the first Scholarship Committee and GM Clayton assigned the same committee to start the actual Scholarship review. Since 1985, the Scholarship Committee has awarded $687,000.00 in Scholarships to deserving students throughout the state of Illinois. Which is an average of $17,615.38 per year and 20-30 scholarships per year.

image The Grand Lodge of Illinois

To improve and elevate the character of mankind by promoting the principles of friendship, love, truth, faith, hope, charity and universal justice.

Odd Fellows Museum

One of the many items in our Odd Fellows Museum.