Workday Announcement for August 10th in Salem, IL


Recently, the Executive Board of the Grand Lodge became aware of the Lodge in Salem,
Illinois…Olive Branch # 114… going through a rough time.
The Lodge was on the verge of failing and closing its doors.

One person in the Lodge thought that if she could start a Rebekah Lodge within that
building, then perhaps the Lodge itself could be saved.

The only other dedicated and active person in the Lodge has moved to Kentucky but
travels back to Salem to pay bills and check on the Lodge and keeping the lights on.
So, an agreement was reached and felt it was worth a try to attempt to save Olive Branch
by starting a Rebekah Lodge and bring enough of the Rebekak members into the Odd
Fellow Lodge and thereby saving the Odd Fellow Charter.

ISSUE # 1:
The Lodge building currently has no useable restrooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
The primary cast Iron vent pipe developed a crack and needs to be replaced. Other
plumbing issues have been discovered as well. These issues should be resolved before
our workday.

ISSUE # 2:
The lodge has not had enough members to be able to take care of things such as cleaning
or simple maintenance issues.

The Executive Board has felt that a good starting point would be to host a workday at the

The Workday is scheduled for August 10th .

The Lodge is located directly across the street from the Courthouse in Salem, Il. You
should have no problem finding the Lodge as it is well marked as an Odd Fellow

We need between 40 and 60 people to help save this Lodge and start another Branch.
There will be a big list of small projects that can & must be done, so come prepared to
work and help.

I do know that if we all pull together, we can make this happen!

For more information:
For the Rebekah progress, contact Donna Grable…….(618) 578-1695
For workday projects and updates contact Jim Bott…...(618) 920-5134

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